The Agency worked alongside The Prison Project in the Spring of 2023 to help introduce members of the Quinnipiac community to the client's mission of driving social justice and criminal justice system reform. Young professionals at The Agency developed a branding kit and information sheets to promote the client’s resources in a cohesive, professional manner.
The Prison Project’s mission is to drive social justice forward through innovative and data-driven approaches to community uplift. The Prison Project fosters a multi-collaboration between communities and researchers, students, justice practitioners, and those affected by social injustice. Together, the program promotes humane treatment and inspires transformative change for those impacted by the justice system.
Information Sheets: Created a fact sheet to provide members of the community with information about The Prison Project and helpful resources that can be used to inspire change.
Branding Kit: Designed an entire branding kit, including a new logo, to be used on all materials related to The Prison Project.